Personal Branding

You are a brand. 

When you think of the brand, the first thought you probably had was a business brand like Nike, Starbucks, Target, etc. Businesses depend on brands to gain recognition from consumers and establish a foundation for their products. Every company must have a brand. 

But have you created your own personal brand?

Like a professional business brand, it is essential for you to have your personal brand. Remember those five characteristics/qualities I had you write about yourself? This will help guide you to create your BRAND.  

Creating a brand will give you a foundation to market yourself. Social media is a powerful tool you can use for marketing. My sophomore year of college, I decided to make a personal website to display my portfolio. In creating my website, I developed my brand. From the color palette right down the typeface, I wanted to make sure people who visited my website recognized my brand. In order to convey my brand through my website, I had to first establish my personal brand within myself. I used my top five characteristics/qualities to help develop my brand. 

Self-awareness is key to establishing your brand.

Throughout the process of developing my brand, I honed in on my values. I know who I am and what I believe in and I will never be afriad to be myself. After all, my unique set of characteristics define who I am. Embrace yourself and don't be afraid to let the world see those traits!! 


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