How To Build a Professional Website

Last post I talked about the power of networking when looking for a job. While that’s an essential step in the job search, it is also important to have a professional portfolio/website. When I was a sophomore in college, one of my professors had me build a website, and that was one of the most significant college investments I have made. Over the past three years, I have had the opportunity to change and improve my website.

As a multimedia journalist, a portfolio allows me to showcase my work and résumé. When networking, my online portfolio is an excellent resource to link professionals to my work.

Building your website:

1. Pick your site
Many sites allow you to make free websites such as,,, etc. However, if you want to have your own domain, you can purchase your domain. For example, my website URL is and I use the site to generate my site.

2. Use your personal brand to build your portfolio 
Your personal brand is essential when building your portfolio. This will allow you to market yourself in a uniform manner. When creating my website, I chose to use the typeface that I used for my résumé. In addition, my website colors are black and white. I decided to do this because I do not want any distractions when viewers look at my website. I want my work to stand on its own.

3. Make your site user-friendly 
Think about the viewer when creating a website. For a portfolio website, in particular, you want to make sure it is easy for viewers to navigate the site. Especially for a potential employer, it is crucial that he or she can easily access your information. The best way to do this is by creating a menu bar. This will help the viewer find the information he or she is looking for from your site.   


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