The Key to Success When Job Searching

March 1st.

The temperature is rising, the days are slowly starting to get longer and spring is just around the corner. No wonder it's the fourth trending topic on Google

For second-semester seniors, however, this is a daunting time of year as graduation rapidly approaches. Landing a job seems to be the only thing on a senior's mind. 

Personally, if you were to look at internet history, you would see a plethora of job and internship applications. I spend whatever free time I have networking, updating my portfolio and job searching. 

Here's why networking is important: 

1. The Power of Networking

You know the saying, "It's a small world"? Well, you'll be surprised just how small this world is when you start networking. Look up the company or organization you wish to work for. Then, google the people who already work there on LinkedIn. After, reach out to those people. You'll be surprised by how many people email you back. Build a relationship with those people. This is called networking. According to a LinkedIn article, "eighty percent of professionals consider networking important to career success." In fact, another article says "70 percent of people in 2016 were hired at a company where they had a connection."  

The best way to get a job in your ideal career field is to know someone who's in that field. 


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