Why Confidently Successful?

Confidence. It's something we all want to have, but it's hard to fully possess. In a world where social media is prevalent, it's hard to embrace self-confidence–– it's so easy to compare yourself to others on social media when you see everyone else's highlight moments.

Being Confidently Successful means to believe in yourself and that you are a success! That means working hard to continually improve yourself. I just competed in the Miss Florida USA pageant, and I gained so much self-confidence as I prepared for this competition. I decided to compete through the Miss Universe Organization because my own mission statement aligned with the Miss Universe Organization mission statement.

Now, I hope to instill confidence into any woman I come into contact with in my life. So, I created this blog to galvanize women to raise her bar of Excellence and continue to chase her dreams. Confidence is something hard to obtain, but once you believe in yourself, there is truly nothing that can stop you.

My goal for this blog is to provide meaning resources and real-life examples of how you can gain confidence in yourself and how to simultaneously block out the "noise"–– it's so easy for people or things to hinder your self-confidence.

My first challenge for you to physically write five characteristics/qualities you love about yourself. Once you do that, look at that piece of paper every morning as a daily reminder of why you're successful! If confidence means to trust and believe in something, you have to first believe in yourself!


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