Healthy Mind, Healthy Life

In order to be successful in any part of your life, it is essential to have a healthy lifestyle–– and that comes from your mental state. And just like physical health, mental health is critical for each stage of your life. 

The Key to Success is a Healthy Mind

Mental health encompasses psychological, emotional and social well-being. Furthermore, mental health includes how we handle stress, interact with others and make decisions. According to the World Health Organization, one in four people will be affected by mental or neurological disorders during their lifetime. This is an unfortunate statistic, but it's a truth that cannot be avoided. However, there is a silver lining in this –– YOU have control of your mental health. You can make active decisions to ensure you're living a mentally happy life. Here are two steps you can take to keep yourself on the track to success:

1. Focus on yourself

You are your biggest critic, so instead of obsessing over your insecurities, focus on your assets and figure out ways to improve yourself. For example, I spent years insecure about my weight. I couldn't stand the way I looked in a swim suit and most clothes–– I even hated myself for eating a cookie. One day, I decided to turn around my lifestyle. I decided to go to the gym and eat healthier. Also, every morning, I reminded myself of at least three positive attributes about myself. Before I realized it, I was happy with myself. I even gained enough confidence in myself to run for Miss Florida USA 2019, something I never thought I would be able to do. 

In essence, I was happy that I was focusing on myself. If you give your body and mind attention, your quality of life will improve exponentially. Life gets in the way sometimes, and it's so easy to put your self-happiness on the back-burner, but life is too short and too precious not to take time to focus on yourself. 

2. No Comparison 

With social media so intertwined with our lives, it is so easy to find yourself comparing yourself to others. However, you can make the active choice not to let others' highlight reel hinder your personal growth and happiness. Instead, decide to focus on your greatest accomplishments and use others' successes as encouragement to continue raising your bar of EXCELLENCE. When you are happy with yourself, you will encourage others to do the same. So work towards your goals, and you will be happy with yourself.  


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