Crafting the Perfect Résumé

In essence, your résumé your main marketing tool. 

When applying for a job, your goal should be to market yourself to the employer that you're his or her ideal candidate for the job. The best way to showcase your skills is by having a stellar résumé.

As my college graduation is just over a month away, I am continually updating my résumé and portfolio website. 

Here are some tips to consider when completing your résumé. 

1. Tailor your résumé to the job. 

Not every job is the same, so it is essential to make sure your résumé includes keywords or phrases from the job posting. Most employers do not actually look through all the 100+ résumés. In fact, there are computer programs that scan résumés and pick out the keywords that are also found in the job description. 

2.  Choose a legible font. 

For us girls, most of the time we want to pick a ~trendy~ font to showcase our personalities. While I am a huge advocate for embracing your unique attributes, your résumé needs to remain legible. An employer will most likely spend less than a minute looking over your résumé, so you need to ensure he or she sees all your work experience and education. Then, once you land the interview, you can dazzle them with your incredible personality!!

3. Less is more. 

Nothing is more taunting than a page full of size 9 font. While you want to showcase every single thing you have accomplished, it is important to not have an excess of words clogging up your résumé. Try to shorten all your sentences and use the job description to tailor your résumé.  


  1. This resume template is so cute! I definitely will need to update mine. It's no where near as fun as this one is.


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