The Power of Social Media

When Instagram, Twitter or Facebook is down, the world explodes into chaos. While our grandparents might think we're being over-dramatic, many of our lives depend on social media.
So for example, today (March 13), Instagram and Facebook were down due to technical difficulties. Instantly, this became Google's most trending topic.

For the working class, students and adolescents, social media is a powerful tool. As a journalist, social media is a main avenue in which people obtain news. According to an article from HubSpot, 68 percent of Americans get their news from social media.

Besides serving as a news outlet, social media can also generate your personal brand and your business. For example, I have a professional Twitter account in which I post all my news and sports media information. This allows me to provide content for people as well as show potential employers my content.

I also use social media to expand the business my best friend and I started over the summer. We market our business solely on social media and we depend on our Instagram page to generate traffic and potential clients.

For any ~confidently successful~ young woman seeking new ways to expand her business or promote herself to a larger audience, social media is the perfect place to achieve that goal. Today, it is super easy to find someone and access their information. But, with that said, it is important that you are mindful of ALL content you post on social media. When we started building our websites for my class, my professor cautioned us by telling us, "don't post anything you would not want your future employer to see on the internet," and that cannot be truer. Social media can provide you a myriad of opportunities, so maximize your accessibility.


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