Supporting UF Students

UF is a competitive university and everyone wants to succeed. The College of Journalism and Communications is internationally known for the top-notch students it produces in particular. Because of this, there are stellar students who demonstrate a strong work ethic.

Peers like Tessa Bentulan, Lauren Staff and Abby Murphy have dedicated their college experience to seizing every opportunity they can to grow and learn.

I have had the opportunity to work with Tessa during some of my TV2 shifts this semester and she is so much for to work with. You can check out her most recent reporter reel here.

I have known Lauren for over two years and she's always doing the most! Lauren worked in the communications department for various Florida Gators teams throughout her college years. I had the opportunity to see her at every home Florida basketball game and gymnastics meet while I was a beat reporter for the teams. 

Abby has such a bubbly and fun personality and I know that will take her far in her career. She has served as an on-air talent for 103.5 The Gator and GHQ (#girlboss!!!). She has an awesome food blog that features the tastiest treats from Los Angeles to NYC.

 I am so excited to see what their next step in college is as they prepare to graduate.



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